SCAPHOID FRACTURE(Greek :skaphos means boat)
of all carpal injuries,common among young men with a male to female ratio 71:29
&average age of 35 years. The average time for healing of a nondisplaced
scaphoid fracture in a cast is 8 to 12 weeks
The scaphoid is 80% articular, especially
the ulnar side. Proximally, the scaphoid articulates with the distal radius at
the scaphoid fossa, and distally with the trapezoid and trapezium. Ulnarly, it
articulates with the lunate proximally and the capitate distally. volar surface
is partly nonarticular
blood supply of the scaphoid derives from two sources: a group of vessels
entering the palmar aspect of the distal pole, and a group entering the dorsal
aspect of the distal pole. The first group contributes largely to the
vascularity of the distal one third, and the dorsal group supplies the proximal
two thirds of the bone.
Proximal pole
fractures rely largely on the distal-to-proximal intraosseous blood flow and
are therefore prone to delayed union and nonunion.
Nonoperative treatment requires a prolonged period of plaster immobilization (3-6 months).
Nonoperative treatment requires a prolonged period of plaster immobilization (3-6 months).
80% of the
surface of the scaphoid is covered with articular cartilage. This greatly
limits points of entry for fixation devices. An
additional constraint is the curved morphology of the scaphoid.This means that
a wire or fixation device along the true central axis of the scaphoid is not
possible. Occasionally, access to a distal entry point for a device can only be
gained by a limited excavation of the edge of the trapezium
Choice of implant
If the
proximal pole fragment is larger than 5 mm, a cannulated, headless,
self-compressing screw is the implant of choice.
For smaller proximal pole fragments, the use of a mini headless bone screw is advisable.
For very small fragments (flakes), K-wires may be a better option.
For smaller proximal pole fragments, the use of a mini headless bone screw is advisable.
For very small fragments (flakes), K-wires may be a better option.
In cases of
comminuted proximal one third to half of the scaphoid, a combination of a screw
and K-wires is recommended.
a straight dorsal skin incision, starting over Lister’s tubercle, and extending
distally for about 3-4 cm.
Inspect the fracture
for additional lesions, especially scapholunate (SL) ligament ruptures.
The picture shows a proximal pole fracture combined with a complete SL rupture. The head of the capitate is visible deeper in the wound.
The picture shows a proximal pole fracture combined with a complete SL rupture. The head of the capitate is visible deeper in the wound.
the fracture is displaced, reduce it with small pointed reduction forceps.
Comminuted fractures
fractures of the proximal half of the scaphoid can not be fixed with a headless
screw alone.
If a bony avulsion fracture of the SL ligament from the scaphoid is present, it is necessary to fix the fragment, either with K-wires, or a small screw (1.5 mm).
Do not penetrate the scaphotrapezial joint with the guide wire.
Drilling and tapping
only the dedicated drill bit. A power drill will exert a smaller and more
controlled force on the fragments than manual drilling, and will reduce the
risk of displacing the fragments. A small power drill with slow rotation is
Use Ringer lactate solution to cool the drill bit, in order to minimize thermal injury.
If the drill guide is used, attach a nut to the drill bit in order to limit penetration to the desired length only.
Check the position of the tip of the drill bit using image intensification.
Then tap the drill hole manually if not using self-tapping screws.
Use Ringer lactate solution to cool the drill bit, in order to minimize thermal injury.
If the drill guide is used, attach a nut to the drill bit in order to limit penetration to the desired length only.
Check the position of the tip of the drill bit using image intensification.
Then tap the drill hole manually if not using self-tapping screws.
Screw insertion
proximal end of the screw should be advanced until it is buried beneath the
subchondral bone.
The near thread must not lie within the fracture plane, as this would cause displacement rather than compression.
Great post.